Milestone Developments

Comprehensive development solutions from strategy to streetscape, concept to closing, masterplan to move-in.

North Carolina Land Development

Navigating your way through development in the Triangle just got easier.

North Carolina Land Development

We help landowners convert their property to residual income streams in a tax-advantaged way.  

Photo Taken by Sarah Banko of Banko Photos

Milestone Developments

Comprehensive development solutions from strategy to streetscape, concept to closing, masterplan to move-in.

Real Estate Development

Milestone Developments is more than a company name. It’s a philosophy, a benchmark, an evolution. There are milestones in life, changes that can best be met by thinking in new ways, exploring new opportunities. At Milestone Developments, we can help a landowner examine the development potential (and maximize the future value) of family-held property. We can assist an out-of-town investor interested in the growth potential of the Triangle area. And we can advise a regional developer national builder who wants to make a sure-footed first step into the market. We can do all of these things for such diverse clients because we have done all of these things for 20 years. And done them well. There’s a lot you have to know to be successful in Triangle real estate development, but it just got easier. All you really need to know is: Milestone Developments.

We've worked on some of the best communities in Wake County.

Comprehensive development solutions from strategy to streetscape, concept to closing, masterplan to move-in.

Real estate development isa complicated business, requiringspecific local knowledge andknow-how in a variety of disparatedisciplines—most of which comesfrom past experience. It is a process that begins withsite selection and land acquisitionby navigating the complex mazeof environmental regulations andmunicipal approvals, extends toentitlements, site planning anddevelopment, neighborhood andproduct design, to engineering andconstruction, homebuilding, all theway through marketing and sales,until the moment when a potentialhomebuyer becomes a satisfiedhomeowner in the just-right newcommunity. We know the process, the ins and outs, beginning to happy ending. Milestone Developments, LLC may be a name you don’t (yet) know, but it represents one of the best-known and most respected names in Triangle real estate development and homebuilding.